red gates news
Art Gallery
As a culmination of the ASD pathways ‘Art Attack’ topic we hosted our very own Art exhibition.
The children thoroughly enjoyed creating pieces of artwork inspired by famous artists as well as producing some incredibly unique masterpieces.
The children’s creativity, individuality and passion for Art was presented beautifully and this provided a wonderful opportunity for children to show pride in their achievements and celebrate their creative talents.
Pupils from across the school visited the gallery and we able to experience the multisensory artwork displayed.
Parents and carers were invited to attend the prestigious event and even had the opportunity to purchase a one off masterpiece or two!
The carnival topic, in the ASD pathway, is always a firm favourite.
We explored the sights, sound, smells and tastes of carnival and had fantastic fun doing so!
To conclude the topic we held a pathway Carnival celebration where the children laughed, danced and played games together.
The children played their home-made musical instruments and wore beautifully decorated masks as they joined in a procession through the school; accompanied by the sounds of cheers from all those watching.
Forest School
One of the extra-curriculum activities the school provides, is Forest School.
"Forest School is an inspirational process, that offers all learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees." - Forest Schools Association
Our local Forest School is Courtwood Primary school. In 2012 Courtwood Primary School was gifted a piece of woodland that backed onto the school. It was to be developed as a nature trail and woodcraft area. It has a "Talking Circle" with a fire pit and a trail around the wood. It is a short walk to Selsdon Woods and fields.
Sessions take place on a Tuesdays and Thursdays. One session is for our year 2 students and the other is an inclusion link with Courtwood pupils joining our session.
As you can see they are able to explore and experience the natural world in all seasons and in all weathers.
Its Behind You!
Oh no it isn't!
It is the time of year that everyone loves, Panto season, and the children here at Red Gates are lucky to have their own private performance.
Each year, Friends of Red Gates School raise funds in order that Dazzle and Fizz can bring their show to our school for the children to watch. This year it was Robin Hood.
As you can see the children had a great time.
Oh no they didn't...oh yes they did!
SEND Strategy & Post 16 SEND Travel Policy consultation
Croydon council is consulting on a draft strategy for improving outcomes and life chances for children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in Croydon.
At the same time, the council is also consulting on changes to its transport policy for young people aged 16-18 with special educational needs. The council arranges travel support for some children and young people with special needs and/or disabilities to attend school or college.
For more information follow this link Croydon Council
Harvest Festival
Welcome to our Harvest Festival
Harvest Festival is a celebration of the annual harvest, held in schools and as a service in Christian churches, to which gifts of food are brought for the poor.
We invited our parents to join us in our celebrations and our talented children made fruit and vegetables and also a fantastic red tractor. We sang and danced to our harvest songs and finished with our choir performance.