Red Gates Primary

  020 8651 6540.

  020 8651 6540

Parents in Partnership

Parents in Partnership (PIP) services are free of charge to parents of children and young people with a special need or disability living in Croydon.  They can help if your child or young person is between 0 - 25 years old.  PIP provides Family Link Workers to support families on an individual basis, providing information and coordinating services when families feel stuck.  PIP are also able to provide emotional support, make referrals and liaise with services on families' behalf.

PiP Training

PIP offers free training workshops for parents and carers of children with special needs or disabilities.

All meetings are at held at Carers Support Centre, 24 – 26 George Street, Croydon CR0 1PB

Please book by contacting the PiP office on 020 8663 5626 or email:

PiP Facebook group

We have a PiP Facebook group which we use for posting news of activities, events, training, workshops etc and sharing SEND news updates.
If you would like to join, look for PiP Croydon under 'Groups' on Facebook or follow this link:

PiP Facebook Link

New members will need to answer 3 questions to join the group.