Red Gates Primary

  020 8651 6540.

  020 8651 6540

global $wp_query; $args = array_merge( $wp_query->query, array( 'category_name' => 'news' ) ); query_posts( $args );

Art Gallery

As a culmination of the ASD pathways ‘Art Attack’ topic we hosted our very own Art exhibition.
The children thoroughly enjoyed creating pieces of artwork inspired by famous artists as well as producing some incredibly unique masterpieces.

The children’s creativity, individuality and passion for Art was presented beautifully and this provided a wonderful opportunity for children to show pride in their achievements and celebrate their creative talents.
Pupils from across the school visited the gallery and we able to experience the multisensory artwork displayed.
Parents and carers were invited to attend the prestigious event and even had the opportunity to purchase a one off masterpiece or two!