Pathway Curriculum
Pathway Curriculum
LISS - (Learning Independence & Social Skills)
LISS Classes: Coral, Fuchsia, Magenta
LISS Curriculum Maps:
There is a balance of academic and life skills taught in the learning, independence and social skills (LISS) pathway. Pupils have opportunities for exploration and extension during the learning of core subjects through structured learning groups.
In the LISS pathway children have regular opportunities to visit the local community to enhance and generalise their independence and social skills. Ultimately the aim is to enable pupils to develop an understanding of their role within the community and to make a positive contribution towards it.
Pupils in the LISS pathway contribute to daily routines by completing simple jobs/tasks to increase their confidence and self-responsibility.
The development of pupil’s social skills is a priority in the LISS pathway. Opportunities to develop social skills are offered throughout the day through interactions with a variety of peers across the pathway during unstructured times with greater independence. Play is incorporated into daily routines to encourage children to learn through play activities, such as role play, choosing times and games.
The Attention Autism approach is used to support pupils to jointly engage in activities alongside others for extended periods of time, and to develop turn-taking and independent learning skills.
Inclusion is a vital tool for learning and development. As well as inclusion with other schools, children in the LISS pathway will have opportunities for inclusion within Red Gates School. As well as promoting pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. They are also prepared for key transitions throughout their lives.
ASD - (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
ASD Classes - Sapphire, Royal, Sky, Teal, Cyan, Turquoise, Navy
ASD Curriculum Maps:
The ASD pathway provides a structured and predictable environment for children to access their learning.
The ASD curriculum focuses on developing children’s attention skills in order for children to be ready to learn. This is achieved through the use of daily Attention Autism sessions that are adapted to teach different skills and subjects.
Every child uses a TEACCH approach in order for learning to take place in a predictable way whilst supporting independence and communication. The environment of our ASD classrooms has been adapted to best suit the learning styles of pupils.
A strong focus is placed on developing children’s social skills and communication skills. Communication is promoted throughout the day with PECS being used to support and strengthen children’s ability to make requests and initiate communication.
Sensory Classes - Lime, Mint, Aqua, Emerald, Jade, Olive
Sensory Curriculum Maps:
The Sensory Pathway uses a tactile approach to learning supported by a range of strategies. These are incorporated into lessons and unstructured times of day to help pupils to develop essential skills such as engagement, anticipation, realisation, initiation, persistence, and exploration.
Some of the strategies that may be used include; Intensive Interaction, Sensology, Attention Autism, Story Massage, Sherborne Developmental Movement Therapy, and STAR box.
There is a strong emphasis on developing life skills in the Sensory Pathway so pupils are provided with time to work on them throughout the day during daily routines as well as during discrete lessons where appropriate. Pupils are encouraged to be as independent as possible; toileting, dressing, eating and drinking are part of each school day to support generalisation of skills.
Child initiation is actively encouraged with a balance of adult led activities. Highly motivating attention grabbing activities are used throughout the day to provide pupils with opportunities to develop their attention, turn taking and sharing skills.
There is a focus on building strong and trusting relationships with pupils in order to assist them to reach their full potential in a safe and welcoming environment.
Pupils in the Sensory Pathway benefit from exploring activities that are motivating and provide them with opportunities to use their senses in a variety of ways. Some activities may be messy but we want to encourage exploration and independence and use these moments as learning opportunities too.
(Early Years Foundation Stage)
EYFS Classes - Amethyst, Lilac, Violet (EYFS)
EYFS Curriculum Maps:
The EYFS curriculum is a play based, holistic curriculum that aims to prepare children to develop their basic PSHE, Literacy and Maths skills. There is a strong focus on learning school routine, communication and basic independence skills. Communication is a prime focus throughout the day and appropriate augmentative and alternative communication is used to support each pupil’s communication.
The EYFS curriculum aims to prepare pupils for their school career and prioritises supporting pupils to follow routines, respond positively to high expectations and have the strategies to be able to adapt to a variety of situations.
The curriculum is designed to follow children’s interests and motivators as well as provide opportunities for more structured activities. The curriculum is supported by a different book each half term.
Parent participation is actively encouraged in the EYFS curriculum and home visits take place for every pupil. Visits to classes to share experiences during different topics assist with generalisation of skills.