Red Gates Primary

  020 8651 6540.

  020 8651 6540

Home Learning Overview


Red Gates School recognises that home learning is a valuable element of the school curriculum and that it can play an important role in raising pupils self-esteem, generalising and reinforcing learning. This is vital to ensure children have every opportunity to reach their potential.

Frequency and Content

Home Learning can take many forms and include work relating to Pathway topics and activities to support individual targets, as set out in pupils Personalised Plans and Education, Health and Care Plans. The purpose of home learning should be clear so that parents/carers understand their role in supporting pupil progress.

The school recognises that home learning can take many forms, dependent on pupils’ needs and abilities. As such, there is no set expectation for the amount of time a pupil should spend on home learning each week. Home learning may include the following:

Sharing a library book;
Sharing a home pack;
Sharing a bath activity pack;
Following a recipe;
Accessing pathway-specific remote learning activities on the school website;
Completing a work sheet.

A homework activity appropriate to the child’s level of ability will be set and sent home once a week. Packs will include idea sheets, symbols/photos to support children’s learning and parental involvement.

Home targets, where appropriate, are included in Personalised Plans in agreement with parents/carers.

Parents are asked to fill in the recording sheet that goes home with each activity and comment on whether their child enjoyed the learning to inform class teams of which home learning to send next.​