Before & After Red Gates School
Before & After Red Gates School
Welcome to Red Gates School. Set out below are some notes regarding dinner arrangements, school milk, class fund, medication and parking which I hope you will find useful.
We know how much there is to take on board when your child starts a new school, so please don’t hesitate to contact us on the number below, at any time, if you have any concerns or queries. We are always happy to help in any way we can.
Main School Telephone - No. 020 8651 6540
School Admin Address -
School Website Address -
Before children begin at Red Gates they may have come from a variety of routes.
Some children attend a specialist Nursery such as Willow Tree which as situated at Red Gates or Winterbourne ELP Nursery. They may have been at a mainstream nursery or have stayed at home with family. Children will often have been supported by the Early Years SEND team and may have received Portage.
1. Parents are invited to look around the school before they make a decision about which school they would prefer. This allows parents to make an informed choice when applying for nursery/Reception places and means that Red Gates can be named on the EHCP.
2. During the visit parents will be shown around by a member of the leadership team. They will be able to observe children working in classrooms. Time will be spent discussing the curriculum, assessment procedures, how individual programmes are devised and how parents are kept informed of their child’s progress. They will also be shown the specialist rooms and outside spaces. Parents are encouraged to ask questions.
3. Currently the local authority uses the EHCP to place children in Specialist provision. The Local Authority will then hold an admissions panel meeting to make the final decision on admissions to Red Gates for the following September, the Head is involved with this process and children may be seen in their pre-school setting if more information is needed. The Local Authority will inform parents of this decision.
4. Once parents have accepted a place for their child, an appointment will be made with the school nurse. New parents and their children will be invited to an Open Morning at the end of the summer term.
5. A new child starting in Reception class, or a child who has not attended school before, will attend mornings and lunch only for the first week and this will increase to a whole day the second week. Parents join the Starter Program in the first week. This provides them with the opportunity to meet staff, other professional and other parents.
6. The class teacher and a TA from the class team will visit the family at home during the first weeks of September, prior to the child starting school, to exchange information about the child and answer any questions that parents may have.
7. Starter Program When children start at Red Gates parents are invited to the starter Program. This takes place over the first week of school. Once the children are in school parents come in for a short session in class on two days. They have a morning where they meet the therapists and the school nurse to find out their roles and ask questions. They also have a session where they meet the Communication Lead and the Behaviour Lead.
At the end of Year 6 children transfer to a secondary school to complete their education. Generally, Children from Red Gates transfer to Priory School in Croydon, which is the secondary provision for students with SLD and autism. However parents may also wish to consider schools in other local authorities.
Transferring to secondary school is one of the most exciting developments in a young person’s life – and potentially one of the most challenging. It is a time when so many things they are used to completely change. Preparing our children for their transition to secondary school is very important and this takes place in the following way:
1. Year 4 & 5 – In the spring term parents are invited to a coffee morning where the transition process is explained and parents have the opportunity to discuss any anxieties they may have. This will be further discussed at the annual review meetings.
2. Transfer to secondary school is initially discussed with parents at the Year 5 annual review meeting and followed up at the Year 6 annual review. A preferred secondary school placement is recorded at the Year 5 review meeting and this information sent to the Local Authority Special Educational Needs Case Manager.
3. Year 5 – In the summer term a letter is sent to parents by the Local Authority, requesting them to fill in a form selecting an appropriate secondary school for their child.
4. The Local Authority admissions panel meetings for secondary transfers are held during the Autumn term and parents will be informed of the outcome by the Local Authority by the end of February.
5. The transition process:
- Autumn term Transition co-ordinator liaises with relevant staff at prospective secondary school(s) to discuss needs of Year 6 children.
- Autumn/Spring term senior staff from prospective secondary school(s) are invited to observe Year 6 children and discuss their needs and whether they can be met.
- Children transferring to Priory School will visit half termly for planned activities during Year 6. They will be accompanied by the class teacher and TA’s from his/her class. Children transferring to an out of borough school will visit the secondary school for at least one session with a TA and parent during the summer term. Parents will be informed about the transition programme and are kept informed about how their child is responding to the change throughout this preparation time.
- Social stories are prepared for each child and shared during the summer term. These are sent home over the summer holiday for parents to continue to use.
As part of the transfer to secondary school, the transitions teams from both schools invite parents/carers to an individual ‘family & professionals’ meeting to gather information from families and professionals. This meeting is an opportunity for parents/carers to meet education and therapy teams from Priory, and to address any queries they may have. Other professionals who may be involved with the child such as the current class teacher, School Nursing Team, therapists and representatives from Social Care are also invited.