Extended Schools
Extended Services at Red Gates School
Our aim is to work in partnership with both parents and professionals in order to provide high quality education for all pupils, enabling them to thrive, gain confidence and reach their full potential.
It is well known that children learn best when parents and professionals work together. Therefore, we value our relationship with parents (including guardians and carers) and prioritise the establishment of effective partnerships and mutual contribution.
We understand that the needs of the children and those of the parents will change over time and as a school, we are there to offer support, or put parents in touch with services which can provide the support required. We aim to ensure that parents feel they can always contact the school to discuss any issues or questions they may have.
We want parents and siblings to be involved in and knowledgeable about the education offered at Red Gates and invite them to participate in various family learning activities organised throughout the year, to enjoy learning and having fun together. Below is an overview of the Extended Services offered at Red Gates School:
Monthly sessions held in school, allowing parents & carers the space to discuss the highs and lows of parenting in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.
We invite a range of specialist speakers offering support and advice.

We constantly seek and welcome parents’ views and feedback in order to plan our extended schools services.
Parents, relatives and friends are invited to school events such as the ‘Celebration of Achievement’ Ceremony, the Christmas production, carol concert and sports morning. Our policy, 'A Partnership - Parents and Red Gates School', can be obtained from the school office.
The UK's leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families. The NAS provide support, guidance and advice, as well as campaigning for improved rights, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people.
Provides support for parent carers of children and young people with any kind of additional needs and disabilities aged 0-25 living in Croydon.
Would you like to improve your English? CALAT offers courses in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).
These courses are for people who are settled in the UK to gain English language skills and work towards nationally recognised qualifications.
Our qualified teachers will help you with your English for everyday life. You will study in a friendly, safe environment, meet new friends, gain confidence and learn employability skills.
We can help you get the most out of living in the UK. Improving your English can help you continue your studies at college or university, improve your job prospects, or move on to a vocational course.
Free courses and financial support
ESOL classes are free for asylum seekers, learners seeking employment and receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), ESA (WRAG) or other means-tested benefits.
ESOL classes are also free for those living in London who earn below £20,962 per year. If you live outside London, classes are free if you earn less than £17,004 per year.
We also offer a substantial discount on our fees for those with household income less than £27,000.
In some cases, we are also able to help with childcare costs.
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Inclusive Education
Red Gates is an inclusive school and part of the Selsdon Education Partnership (SEP). We have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark, a national award, in recognition of excellent practice. We are very fortunate to be on the same site as Woodlands Children's Centre and The Quest Primary School. The buildings of Red Gates and Quest Primary join up at the dining hall giving daily opportunities for the children to meet each other. Red Gates pupils have the opportunity to engage in activities alongside their peers at The Quest Primary School throughout the year.
Extended Schools
Play schemes are successfully run by school staff during Spring and Summer holidays. Children have great fun participating in dance, art and outside activities.
Support Services
Our staff work with a number of support services. Music, movement, physio, occupational and speech and language therapists are based at the school and enable children to have full access to the curriculum and further develop their learning.
We have access to a school nursing team, who supports parents and arranges regular medical checkups. Teachers from the hearing and visually impaired services visit the school to assess the children's needs, working with staff to devise, support and monitor programmes.
Red Gates works in partnership with and is supported by other agencies collectively recognised as Red Gates Inter-Agency Group (RIG). The group consists of physio, occupational and speech and language therapists, school nurse, educational psychologists, clinical psychologists, social worker, a representative from voluntary services and the Headteacher. All agencies work collaboratively with pupils, parents and staff to meet the needs of pupils at Red Gates, supporting children to reach their potential. Please contact the school for further information on specific services.
We have been very fortunate to have the service of SeeAbility, who specialise in supporting people with learning disabilities and autism to have access to eye tests and glasses where required. These tests are carried out on school site, to provide a familiar place for the children for a familiar space when having their eye tests.
Carer's Information Service
In 1997 the Whitgift Foundation established the Carers' Information Service to support the carers of Croydon, of which there are an estimated 30,000. They provide advice, information, advocacy and training, as well as a series of free publications and special events throughout the year.
To register to receive the latest information from them, please click on the link below for a mailing form. This needs to be completed and returned to the address supplied on the form.
As a Young Carer, you can get extra help and support with your caring responsibilities. The Young Carers Service is a free and friendly service, offering support to young people who are caring for a parent or sibling.
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Croydon Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
SENDIASS is a free, confidential and impartial service for parents and carers, children and young people (up to 25 years). The type and range of support offered includes information regarding SEN/ disability law from independently trained staff, personalisation of personal budgets, individual casework and representation, and support for parents and young people in managing mediation and appeals to the SEND Tribunal.
Jubilee Parenting run a range of courses and weekly support groups for parents, including those whose children have additional needs.
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IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of SEND.
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The UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people. Families raising disabled children on low incomes can apply for grants for various items, including computers, tablets, outdoor play equipment and sensory toys, or household essentials like washing machines, fridges or beds.
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